Équipe Life

Équipe life, is our bespoke weight loss program individualised for each participant to optimise long term health and weight in a supportive environment.

equip life

Our team includes your Equilibrium Healthcare GP, our practice nurses and allied health staff including a dedicated psychologist, exercise physiologist and dietitian.

We understand that there are many factors resulting in weight gain and these are as varied as we all are individual. A one size fits all program rarely fits all, so each of our team members looks at you in the context of your world and helps to improve the various aspects that contribute to your current state of play and turn things around.

It is available to anyone who is overweight, but especially recommended for those with a BMI over 30 and people who also have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, joint disease and other chronic diseases.

Swimmers on the beach

The benefits that weight loss and lifestyle change can make on your health could add years to your life and enhance your quality of life for the long term.

Our program starts with a medical assessment and care plan formulation, which attracts Medicare rebates for those who qualify. This is followed by allocation to a small group of 6-10 people for an evening education session run by our psychologist, exercise physiologist and dietitian.

After this session you can access additional consultations with each of our allied health staff according to your specific needs, with 5 consultations incorporated into your care plan and additional available as needed thereafter.

Our nursing and medical team will follow up your progress at regular intervals throughout the program to help troubleshoot any difficulties and help you achieve your goals.

Swimming in the ocean

This is a pilot program we have designed for our patients and is planned as an ongoing service available over the long term. Our goal is to improve the health and lives of all of the members of our community, one bite, one thought, one step at a time.

If you have more questions or would like to put your name on our waiting list, please contact our reception team or speak with one of our doctors or nurses.